Thursday, August 23, 2007

PJ Half – 11.08.2007

Pick up Grace and reached Stadium at 545am. Found a carpark easily. At the starting line, somehow, I was lucky to meet up with wan lin. He was actually holding a bib. Photo Tey is very kind to pass PM Saiful bib to him (as he can’t make it), and then to me. Else, I will run illegally again.

I know what lie ahead at the last 5km since I have not been running more than 15km this year. So, to mitigate the torture of cramp, I try to run slower. At least, the pain strikes me at last 3km. Cramp almost came to me too. Wanlin overtook me at last 1km. Thanks for the shouting encouragement buddy, but I was in pain la. Do not want to aggravate until it turns to a real injury.


For quite some time, I never have such a hard time in running. Chest pain, knee pain, Achilles pain and heart beat harder. My body was steaming, I can feel my blood streaming thru my nerves so quick which is a good feeling too. Oxygen was a luxury. But, the finishing made me felt so great. To get over an ordeal, always make you have the extra reason to celebrate more.

Ok, my 1st 21km of the year… have to sustain the mileage though. Else, it would be meaningless to run today. Cant wait to release my project in mid Sep…

Many thanks again to Photo Tey.

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