Thursday, June 04, 2009

If friends visit me in Spore, I will bring them to EAT at...

We have been pampered with all kinds of great foods back in Msia, so, it's hard to find something that suit Msian's taste buds here. At least, something that we can't find back in our own hometown.

Here's some of my favorites so far:
1) Paulaner beers. Seldom drink other beers since I tried this. Blends well with other German foods. Sun/Mon/Tue, the beers are 1-for-1. Thanks, recession.
2) Holland V XO Fish Soup @Chinatown. Authentic spore dish.
3) Pu Tien Restaurant@Vivo. Authentic dishes from China.

p/s: Mr High Class SAP Manager, the menu is above.


Boon Keat said...

I want beer....

chongwah said...

me too... come down lo.